My Northern Earth magazines arrived

Last week I subscribed to an interesting-looking periodical that looked right up my street. Northern Earth is a magazine about folklore and geographical phenomena. While I don't subscribe to the idea of leylines, dowsing and other pseudoscience, Northern Earth does look very folklore-oriented, so I'm excited to get my teeth into it.

Visit to learn more.


  1. I recently discovered just how much information there is out there on myths and folklore. It's lot to sift through because, as we all know, some of it is - to put it nicely - not entirely accurate. Having some reliable and interesting publications will, I'm sure, prove very useful. Enjoy!

    1. Thanks for the comment, Isobel. Yeah, I know what you mean, I get very dubious about some sources.

  2. I've been searching high and low for some magazines about folklore without much luck so far. Would love to know what you thought of these two! They sound very interesting :)

    1. Hey Jodie. I really love this publication. I mean, there's some stuff in there that I'm very skeptical about (being a skeptic) such as people actually thinking they've somehow travelled back in time, but for the most part it's filled with some great folklore tidbits.


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