Folklore Slashtag on Blekko

I've recently become a huge fan of search engine Blekko, mostly because it tries to remove as much spam from search results as possible. It does this using slashtags, which are tagged onto the end of a query in order to specifically search a human-curated vertical. For instance, if you were looking for headache cures you could add the /health slashtag to bring back more authoritative results.

With this in mind, I've created the /folklore slashtag. Now, this isn't because folklore is a particularly spammy area on the internet. Instead it's because finding folklore sites can be a bit of a chore. There are some fantastic blogs out there that can't be seen through a conventional Google search on the first few pages so I wanted to create a good list of all the best sites to use for when myself or other folklore bloggers/academics are doing online research.

All you have to do is go to Blekko and key in your query followed by /folklore. For example 'Robin Hood /folklore'. If you have other sites you think I should add then please either put it in the comments or shoot me an email.

Happy slashing!


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