Ukranian farmer opens first ever Brownie museum

And I don't mean the chocolate kind. Nicholas Ninon from the village of Zaps in Crimea has opened the first ever museum dedicated to the Brownie - a creature of folklore similar to a hob or goblin.

Apparently there are around 100 exhibits in the museum, with two Brownies (not real ones - unless you're wasted) standing at the entrance.

In Slavic mythology Brownies are known as Damovoi or Domovyk specifically in the Ukraine. They are household spirits, similar to those in English, Scottish, German and Scandinavian folklore, who guards the house from evil spirits and helps out every now and again.

There are various depictions of Damovoi, but they are usually hairy and sometimes quite large. If angered in any way these creatures can become malicious, smashing pots and holding people down in their sleep.

Brownies have quite a varied history, since their legends spread across Northern and Eastern Europe and to the British Isles, so if done correctly, this little museum could be full of interesting folklore goodies.


  1. Sounds like a very intriguing museum, would love to visit it! :)

  2. Yeah, me too. I wonder if I can get an interview with Mr Ninon. Hmm.

  3. That would be good (tough you would need to speak Ukrainian or Chrimean) - ask if he has any more photos of his Brownies...

    Here is what I have of Westcountry Brownies -

  4. Occasionally I (and the dog) will see a shadow "fly" along the ceiling, and When the house was being built, no construction could go on after 9:00pm or so because something in the house would get angry. My daughter in law just came back home after a long spell in Europe and now two water pipe issues have occurred. My life since I moved into the the first house has always been water issues. Any ideas on what deity or sprite I have following me?

    1. Hi, sorry for the late reply. That's an interesting story, but I don't believe this is the work of a deity or sprite. Piping issues are very common, so I would just put that down to workmanship.

      What do you think was getting angry and how did this manifest?


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