Introducing Folklore Blog Carnival - hometown folklore

In the past month I've come across some great folklore blogs that I never knew existed and it makes me really happy to see them. However, we're a really small and fractured community, but I reckon if we came together as one group of folklore bloggers our content will become richer and our folklore knowledge with expand.
That's why I'm introducing Folklore Blog Carnival, a monthly event that will bring the folklore blogs together under a common theme.

This month, I want participants to write a post (or a few!) about their favourite piece of folklore from their home area (town or wider area) and explain why you love it so much. At the end of the month I will list all the bloggers who took part and link to their posts.


  1. I sure hope this catches on. I used to be involved with The Four Stone Hearth anthropology carnival, but that sort of died. I'm afraid if anthropology, a field way bigger than folklore, has problems keeping a blog carnival, then we have a bumpy road.
    I have no idea how many loyal readers you have (I have 1 or 2), but I'll contribute. It would be a good idea to reach to other disciplines too. I know a few literature and anthropology blogs that might like to contribute if the subject is not topic-specific.

  2. I'm really happy you want to participate! Hopefully there are a few others who will join in,but as you say, it could be a bumpy road. If you know any off-topic blogs who may like to get involved then give them a nudge. Archaeology an history are good ones too.


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